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How AI can transform the public sector

Artificial intelligence (AI) presents enormous opportunities for the public sector, with the power to streamline processes, free up resources, and enable sophisticated data-driven strategies.   

AI technology can automate time-consuming routine tasks, improve experiences for service-users, and identify critical areas of improvement – opening up opportunities for cost-efficiencies, improved security, and community engagement.

Here’s how AI can transform the public sector…

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Better services for all

Arguably one of the most exciting promises of the AI transition consists of improved service delivery throughout the public sector. Time-consuming and resource hungry routine tasks can be increasingly automated. This means that staff can focus on much more complex and critical areas of work, that ultimately mean more for both public sector organisations and their service-users.

AI is increasingly being deployed in the form of sophisticated virtual assistants that provide reliable and satisfying support – signposting service-users to appropriate human support as and when required.

All of this is particularly important at a time when the nation’s public sector faces significant challenges, whether they be financial or simply a question of meeting rising demands for services.

Robust security 

In an increasingly digital age, security has become a much more pressing consideration for the public sector. Bad actors have demonstrated their willingness, and capacity, to cause significant disruption. This can pose serious challenges for the sector and, at its worst, put lives at risk.

Fortunately, AI can be utilised to improve digital security in a myriad of ways. It can be used to locate hard-to-find vulnerabilities in firewalls, identify areas for improvement, and even inform responses should the worst happen.

Making the most of data 

Data-driven strategies have become the norm for organisations in both the public and private sectors. By effectively collating and utilising data, decisions can better reflect the needs of both service providers and users. 

However, AI opens up entirely new horizons for the effective use of data. The technology can accurately identify trends and how they may develop in the future. This could be a question of anticipating demand for a particular service or how resources can be better conserved and utilised. 

Financial optimisations  

The UK’s public sector is facing unprecedented financial pressures in tandem with an increasing need to deliver effective and complicated services. This is why it’s imperative that public sector organisations have every tool at their disposal to make the most out of their constrained budgets – delivering the most value for the communities they serve and taxpayers. 

Fortunately, AI presents an excellent opportunity to optimise budgets. It’s already being deployed to identify, and eliminate, waste, mismanagement, and even fraud. Whilst this clearly represents far-reaching utility, it’ll likely become an expectation over the coming years. 

Empowering Communities   

Communities are at the heart of the public sector. With this in mind, AI’s potential for impactful community engagement cannot be ignored. The technology can be leveraged to harness informative feedback, scouring public forums (such as social media) for diverse opinions – shining a light on the diverse needs and requirements of a whole host of demographics. This feedback can then be used to inform future strategies. 

Bloom’s unique solution

It’s clear that AI has an enormous amount to offer the public sector, whether it be a question of local authorities, blue light organisations, the NHS, or any other category. However, adopting and integrating AI solutions can be a complex and daunting process. Especially for early adopters. That’s why having a dedicated and experienced procurement partner can play a critical role in your organisation’s transition.

Established in 2012, Bloom is the UK’s leading marketplace for professional services, having managed projects collectively worth £1.5 billion. We exclusively deliver the NEPRO3 framework, a UK-wide neutral vendor managed framework which was procured compliantly by the North East Procurement Organisation.

Our experienced team has earnt the trust of over 550 public sector organisations, expertly connecting our buyers and accredited suppliers – seamlessly matching the requirements of both to deliver far-reaching outcomes.

Our unique solution

  • Only pay for delivered outcomes thanks to our outcomes-based approach, with average savings of 14% against budget.
  • Access a rapid and complaint route to market in as little as 13 days, through direct awards and mini competitions.
  • Compliantly choose from over 5,500 accredited suppliers of professional services, spanning 20 categories and 384 subcategories of spend.
  • Enjoy a fully managed approach to procurement as our team handles the entire process for you, from building your specification to project closure.
  • Embed, measure, and accurately report on social value throughout the course of your projects. 

We’d love to hear from you

Our team would love to discuss your AI-related goals, and your upcoming projects, to discuss how we can deliver value for your organisation and the communities it serves.

Contact our team today.